How close are we to finding a cure?

Over the years, scientists have been exceptionally productive in their search to find a cure for paralysis. Contributions will lead to accomplishing that goal. All of the published papers contribute important information to move toward the ultimate goal of finding a cure for paralysis. Miami Project scientists are making significant contributions that will lead to accomplishing the goal.

Reclaiming an independent life

Spinal cord injury is a devastating condition especially for young patients in their formative years. Autonomy starts with a manual wheelchair, driving equipment and some vehicle modifications. Then can be further enhanced using an array of home modification products such as ramps, wider doors, special sinks, grab bars and easy-to-turn doorknobs. And for the more fortunate financially, restoration of walking can be achieved using robotic devices.

Collaboration to build better systems for paralysis

Michael Haddad is collaborating with the Lebanese American University’s (L.A.U.) Faculty of Engineering, and INDEVCO Group (Phoenix Energy) to make walking a possibility and reality for more people through mechanical systems that are cost efficient, lightweight, and effective.

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